Seller Onboarding Guide

We made online selling easy for everyone. This Seller Onboarding Guide will help you learn how to navigate through the Next Commerce Portal. Get useful tips and view insightful videos. 


Together More Success

Getting Started with Next Commerce

Next Commerce is a Brand Commerce Portal to help businesses sell their products & services online and offline. With the easy-to-use Editor you can create Online Offers in 3 clicks and share them on social media, your website, newsletters or via print media campaigns. The possibilities are endless.

1. How It Works

Get ready in minutes with Next Commerce. Once products are uploaded, you can create Online Offers in just a few clicks. Share the Online Offers on all digital channels to reach your customers everywhere. With the integrated payment solution you can sell any product or service effortlessly. Our unique Brand Commerce solution omits your competitors to put the brand and product center stage.

Access Management

Once you are getting started we will send you your Admin Account access. The Access Management and additional user profiles can be set yourself. Find a short overview of all available user roles including the respective user rights: Access Management Overview

2. KYC Verification

KYC stands for “Know Your Customers”. It is a mandatory seller verification process that needs to be conducted by European financial institutions. It is a set of processes that allow banks and other financial institutions to confirm the identity of the organisations and individuals they do business with, and ensures those entities are acting legally.

The KYC verification process usually takes 48 hours. 

Important: Upload mandatory documents (front and back, multiple pages) as one document!

Legal Soletrader (within the European Economic Area)

  • Sole Proprietorship; Independent worker; Freelancer
  • Passport, driving license, national ID card or residence permit

  • Proof of registration from the HMRC (less than 3 months old)
  • Self Assessment Tax Return

Allowed file type: pdf.

Legal Business (within the European Economic Area)

  • Private Limited Company (Ltd); Private Company limited by shares; Public Limited Company (PLC); Company Limited by Guarantee Unlimited Company (UNLTD); Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); General Partnership Limited Partnership (LP)
  • Passport, driving license, national ID card or residence permit

  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Latest confirmation statement

Allowed file type: pdf.

  • Certificate of incorporation

Allowed file type: pdf.

  • UBO Declaration

Allowed file type: pdf.

Legal Organization (within the European Economic Area)

  • Incorporated association; Foundation
  • Passport, driving license, national ID card or residence permit of legal representative

  • Proof of registration

Allowed file type: pdf.

  • Memorandum of association

Allowed file type: pdf.

3. Update Bank Details

Your bank details are required to receive funds from your transactions. Enter your IBAN and BIC information as well as your address details. 

Also, you are able to set the payout timeline of funds. This gives you full flexibility to determine if you wish receive your funds early or keep some buffer for refunds via the Next Commerce Portal.

4. Update Shipping Details

Set your shipping and packaging fees per country. You are also able to determine the delivery timeline (number of days) and the return period for every country available in your Seller Account. 

This is a mandatory step in order to be able to sell your products & services in the respective country. 

5. How to Create a Product

Creating a product is very simple process.

  1. Add the product ID
  2. Add price, stock and scope of delivery information

The Brand is responsible for adding all product related information, such as product name, description and images. Please request the product ID from the Brand Account that your Seller Account is connected with.

Download files:

6. Create Online Offers

This is how you create Online Offers. Open the Editor. Following information are mandatory:

  1. Choose a Product (or multiple)
  2. Enter an Online Offer name (for internal reference)
  3. Select a country (or multiple)

Promote your Offer and sell Online!

You can now publish your Online Offer. Furthermore, there are many more settings you can adjust as well as adding tracking tags to measure the performance of your Online Offers.

You are now ready for your online sales!

If you have further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your Brand Account representative. 

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