Power Seller Campaign

You want to sell your products & services online? We promote and sell your products successfully to your customers. Together we define the target groups, marketing channels and budget. With our proven sales & marketing approaches, we reach your target customers with appealing Buy Now Offers and increase your brand reach and sales.


Together More Success

Hassle-free Online Selling

We will successfully promote and sell your products to the defined target groups.

Define Your Target Audience

Think about who you want to see your ads. Choose your ideal audience using factors such as geography, age, gender, language and interests. Based on that we will create the GameBoy effect for your product offers.

Zielgruppe definieren

Define Marketing Channels

With our proprietary Next Commerce platform we reach and convert your customers offline and online. Our partner network supports the creative development of the campaign material if required.




Next Commerce - Online Offer Configurator

Set Budget + Timeline

We will allocate the campaign budget according to the defined  marketing channels, target groups and over the agreed period of time to increase your product sales. We recommend a period of 2-4 weeks per campaign.

Marketing Use Cases

Now It Is Your Turn

Tell us what products you wish to sell, the timeline and preferred channels. Based on your input our highly motivated Power Sellers will start their work.

Facebook Marketing Partner
Google Marketing Partner
LinkedIn Marketing Partner
Instagram Marketing Partner
Bing Marketing Partner